Tuesday, March 22, 2011

These 2 Chairs are Gonna Cost More than $100

My daughter is always snooping around the internet for great deals so when she calls to tip me off on one, I always take time to check it out!  Devyn told me about Target's Daily Deal yesterday- "2 beautiful dining chairs for $100.00 plus free shipping!"  

She suggested that I take out a couple of my kitchen table chairs and add them for a splash of color. "Yeah, That's Really a Great Idea,"  I ordered them.  Well, as you know with me, ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER!  

NOW -  I think I need a new kitchen table and I have one picked out at the Pottery Barn.
BUT - The table I like from Pottery Barn is kinda long for my kitchen.
SO - I would like Mickey to take down the wall between my kitchen and the dining room.
WOW - It would be great to have the kitchen extended into the dining room that I never use.
HOWEVER - Do we think Mickey can handle taking down a wall and finishing it off? 
OK - LET'S THINK HERE - This could cost way more than the $60.00 I saved on Target's Daily Deal Yesterday!  hmmmmmm.......