Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thanks to "Pinterest" - I have a new look in my Laundry Room

My friend, Janet, has gotten me hooked on the website "Pinterest".   You can go online and get so many ideas...decorating, cooking, crafting, gardening, etc.  You just pin pictures of things that you like and are of interest to you.  Well, somehow I got hooked on all the beautiful laundry room re-do's.  Some people really like to do laundry and are very serious about their technique in getting it all done.  I am not!!  I just liked the idea of a pretty Laundry Room. 

My husband gave me such grief in hanging this black chandelier.  He just could not believe I had bought this style of lighting for a room that no one will ever see.  He told me, "We always shut the door to the laundry room when we have people over, " I told him, "Not no more!  Please put the light up!"  And he did!  He really is a good hubby!  He still has promised me that the laminate flooring will go down soon (we have had it for over a year now)....I will keep you posted on "how soon."