Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thanks to "Pinterest" - I have a new look in my Laundry Room

My friend, Janet, has gotten me hooked on the website "Pinterest".   You can go online and get so many ideas...decorating, cooking, crafting, gardening, etc.  You just pin pictures of things that you like and are of interest to you.  Well, somehow I got hooked on all the beautiful laundry room re-do's.  Some people really like to do laundry and are very serious about their technique in getting it all done.  I am not!!  I just liked the idea of a pretty Laundry Room. 

My husband gave me such grief in hanging this black chandelier.  He just could not believe I had bought this style of lighting for a room that no one will ever see.  He told me, "We always shut the door to the laundry room when we have people over, " I told him, "Not no more!  Please put the light up!"  And he did!  He really is a good hubby!  He still has promised me that the laminate flooring will go down soon (we have had it for over a year now)....I will keep you posted on "how soon."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

These 2 Chairs are Gonna Cost More than $100

My daughter is always snooping around the internet for great deals so when she calls to tip me off on one, I always take time to check it out!  Devyn told me about Target's Daily Deal yesterday- "2 beautiful dining chairs for $100.00 plus free shipping!"  

She suggested that I take out a couple of my kitchen table chairs and add them for a splash of color. "Yeah, That's Really a Great Idea,"  I ordered them.  Well, as you know with me, ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER!  

NOW -  I think I need a new kitchen table and I have one picked out at the Pottery Barn.
BUT - The table I like from Pottery Barn is kinda long for my kitchen.
SO - I would like Mickey to take down the wall between my kitchen and the dining room.
WOW - It would be great to have the kitchen extended into the dining room that I never use.
HOWEVER - Do we think Mickey can handle taking down a wall and finishing it off? 
OK - LET'S THINK HERE - This could cost way more than the $60.00 I saved on Target's Daily Deal Yesterday!  hmmmmmm.......


Friday, February 25, 2011

1 Task Always Leads to Another

Today is one of those days when I have so much that I want to get done around the house.  

My tasks do not usually include given the dogs a bath on a regular routine.   However, Winston  has a black coat so just like a black colored car, you can just see the dirt all over.... I grabbed him 1st and said "today you are getting clean!"  Reuben is smart and realizes what's going on when Winston is plucked off the couch and into the water.  So he sheepishly tip toes off and hides while Winston is enduring the scrub down! 

 Now I have to clean their bedding, because I can't put fresh smelling dogs on stinky bedding....
Reuben doesn't escape his bath time, here he's drying out!

All shined up!  Winston is very sleepy after his bath

Monday, February 21, 2011

Record Breaker!

I am well known for decorating EARLY for every holiday, but this has got to be the earliest I have ever broke out the Spring Wreath and Flag!  Beautiful 70 degree days in February definitely created a desire to spruce up my extremely "winter blah" front porch.  SO, Possible Snow & Sleet tomorrow, but I am ready for Spring even though it is officially 27 days away!  
Spring Wreath

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Glad I kept these old chairs!

I did get around to re-doing 1 of the old Veneer chairs that I have left from a dining room set that belonged to my mother-in-law years ago.  The table and hutch have long been gone, but for some reason I chose to keep a couple of the chairs.  I wrote about re-doing our room above the garage as an office/craft room.  A couple of weeks ago I saw the perfect accent chair at Marshall's.  It was a robins egg blue upholstery with silver riveting and black legs (would have matched beautifully, but the cost was $130 - way more than I wanted to spend).  So I had to improvise and immediately thought about these old chairs.  I went to Hancocks, but they did not have the fabric that I wanted.  So for those of you who know me, patience is not a virtue of mine.  I sprayed the chair with the Rustoleum Heirloom white, it did ok on the Veneer - not great.  I went over it with some Early American stain with a stain rag and then wiping it off with a clean rag.  The stain just softened the spray paint.  Once it was completely dry, I took sandpaper and just roughed it up some and that gave it a weathered look. At this time, I still did not have fabric, but I did have an old quilted sham that I bought from the thrift store for $1.50.  I took the seat off and just slid the sham on and folded it towards the back.  It was a snug fit in the chair.  I thought I was going to have to staple the sham to secure it but I didn't have to, which makes for easy removal for washing or switching the color......AGAIN!  It's not the Robin's Egg Blue Chair, but it did cost less than $5.00 to re-do - SO that WORK'S for now. 
1 of 2 Veneer Chairs

Re-do on Old Veneer Chair

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh My Goodness - Hurry UP and GO!

I am definitely not proud of myself - I have become obsessed with playing Scrabble on my new IPOD!  During these cold nights, you will find me sitting in the rocker recliner in front of the TV, brown faux fur throw on my lap, holding my fully charged IPOD with 2 or more Scrabble games in play.  It's easy entertainment.... and all is good as long as these random guests are playing in a timely manner.  However, when they take more than 5 minutes to set their word -  I will delete the game quick and move on to the next.  Please, SERIOUS SCRABBLE PLAYERS ONLY!  hA hA hA!  
Ipod Scrabble

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Now What Are You Spraying?

Rust-oleum Spray Paint - I love it!
Ok, it's sunny outside and it might be close to 50 degrees so I think I am good to spray paint!!  I have been waiting to re-do an old veneer chair with a cloth seat.  I am not sure how it will turn out, but I am going to give it a try because that's how I work - trial and error!  Hope it's not an ERROR!  Oh, you know I will keep you posted! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Next year I'll be filing on April 15th NOT February 1st - I'm sure of it!

I'm really not that great at numbers - but I'm just good enough to figure out that I believe this will be the last year for the happy anticipation of .....the TAX REFUND!  Mason is now a full-time employee at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard and according to the 1040 IRS form - he is no longer our dependent.  However, according to my Bank Statement -  he is still very much our dependent!  HA! HA!   Another chapter in our life has turned....No legal dependents to claim for extra cash!  TOTAL DISLIKE! 

No Laughing Matter..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I think I like it?

Old Floral Tapestry Footstool
Ever attempt a new re-do project that you thought would only take a few minutes and it ended up taking hours AND when it was finished you weren't  totally convinced it was an improvement?  

I knew I was in trouble when the staple gun jammed about every other staple and the staples were just too short to catch the wood.  After unloading, unjamming and reloading the gun 20 times - I finally got the material secured to the stool.  The trim went on fairly easy, normally I fight with the glue gun.

I had to laugh....Project is finished and the fresh and clean footstool did motivate me to clean the sunroom, so I count this one as a success!!!

Re-Covered Lime Green Upholstery Material with Trim on Footstool

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's "SEW CUTE" !!!

My best friend since 5th grade is always coming up with the sweetest personally monogrammed items!   Janet appliqued this pink polka dot Valentine shirt tonight and hand delivered it to Ella so that she would have it in time for Sweetheart's day!
Thank you Janet!  Make sure you check out her sewing blog at the bottom of my page.  You will be "SEW" happy you did! 

Curio Cabinet Re-Invent

This "Crafty Curio Cabinet" redo makes me SMILE!  The room over the garage went through another makeover.  For almost a year we lived with just the plywood flooring because one day I got over the nasty 19 year old carpet and just started ripping it up...with Mason's help of course.  I figured that would force the man of the house to finally install the wood laminate flooring we have been talking about for so long.  Anyway, January was the month to make it happen!!  I decided to turn the room into an office/craft room....thought it would be very functional and I wanted it to be whimsical (kept that part secret until the floors were done).  So check out the curio cabinet minus the collectibles.  It now houses my ribbon, stamps, glitter, note cards, buttons, glue...you know all that good stuff.  I love it - everything all organized pretty in it's place!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's a Start! Dedicated to Devyn Dunlow Curling - Who will get the biggest laugh!

So how silly is it when you are sitting at your desk all by yourself trying to come up with a catchy & original name for your own personal blog and before you know it, laughter, tears and immense belly shaking hit you like a ton of bricks?  Lot's of crazy blog titles out there and believe me some funny ones were responsible for my episode this morning.  What's even more hilarious is the thought that I may even have something of interest to blog about.  But hey, let's give it a try - it's a new year with new laughs to be had!!

"We don't stop laughing because we grow old;  We grow old because we stop laughing" ~ Michael Pritchard