Saturday, February 5, 2011

I think I like it?

Old Floral Tapestry Footstool
Ever attempt a new re-do project that you thought would only take a few minutes and it ended up taking hours AND when it was finished you weren't  totally convinced it was an improvement?  

I knew I was in trouble when the staple gun jammed about every other staple and the staples were just too short to catch the wood.  After unloading, unjamming and reloading the gun 20 times - I finally got the material secured to the stool.  The trim went on fairly easy, normally I fight with the glue gun.

I had to laugh....Project is finished and the fresh and clean footstool did motivate me to clean the sunroom, so I count this one as a success!!!

Re-Covered Lime Green Upholstery Material with Trim on Footstool

1 comment:

  1. I like it!!! Can't wait to put my feet on it at the Superbowl party!!! :) You are very busy these days!
