Monday, February 7, 2011

Next year I'll be filing on April 15th NOT February 1st - I'm sure of it!

I'm really not that great at numbers - but I'm just good enough to figure out that I believe this will be the last year for the happy anticipation of .....the TAX REFUND!  Mason is now a full-time employee at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard and according to the 1040 IRS form - he is no longer our dependent.  However, according to my Bank Statement -  he is still very much our dependent!  HA! HA!   Another chapter in our life has turned....No legal dependents to claim for extra cash!  TOTAL DISLIKE! 

No Laughing Matter..


  1. Y'all choose to have your bank statement like that....

  2. I just started laughing out loud when I read your comment...exactly what I would predict you to say!! (I miss laughing with you this week) :(

  3. haha - I can hear her (and her friend!!!) saying it too. Love those girls.

  4. Yeah Janet, because they are so deprived! HA...I love 'em too!
