Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's a Start! Dedicated to Devyn Dunlow Curling - Who will get the biggest laugh!

So how silly is it when you are sitting at your desk all by yourself trying to come up with a catchy & original name for your own personal blog and before you know it, laughter, tears and immense belly shaking hit you like a ton of bricks?  Lot's of crazy blog titles out there and believe me some funny ones were responsible for my episode this morning.  What's even more hilarious is the thought that I may even have something of interest to blog about.  But hey, let's give it a try - it's a new year with new laughs to be had!!

"We don't stop laughing because we grow old;  We grow old because we stop laughing" ~ Michael Pritchard


  1. Wow wow wow, I still can't believe it! Make sure you update daily :) :)

  2. that's just great ~ another blog i just HAVE to read. welcome to the blogging community!

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging :)
